Legal framework on the functioning of the Central Register of the Republic of North Macedonia:
- Law on the Central Register of the Republic of North Macedonia ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 50/2001, 49/2003, 109/2005);
- Law on one-stop shop system and keeping the trade register and the register of other legal entities ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 84/2005, 13/2007, Decision of the Constitutional Court 12.09.2007, 150/2007);
- Law on Trade Companies ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 28/2004, 84/2005, 25/2007);
- Rulebook on the form and content of the forms for registration in the trade register and the register of other legal entities ("Official Gazette of RM" number 115/2005);
- Law on Contractual guaranty ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 5/2003, 4/2005, 87/2007);
- Law on Leasing ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 4/2002, 49/2003, 13/2006);
- Law on Foreign Exchange Operations ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 34/2001, 49/2001, 103/2001, 54/2002, 51/2003);
- Law on Banks ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 67/2007);
- Instructions on the manner and procedures for opening and closing an account ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 115/2005);
- Law on Securities ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 95/2005, 25/2007, 7/2008);
- Law on Payment Operations ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 113/2007, 22/2008);
- Law on Public Procurement ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" број 136/2007);
- Rulebook on the content of the document for solvency ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 13/2006);
- Law on Free Access to Public Information ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 13/2006);
- Rulebook on the manner of sighing up, registration, as well as forms, content and manner of keeping the register of direct investments of non-residents in the Republic of North Macedonia ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 122/2008);
- Rulebook on the manner of sighing up, registration, as well as the form, content and manner of keeping the register of direct investments of residents abroad ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 122/2008);
- Law on Misdemeanors ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 62/2006, 69/2006, 157/2009);
- Law on Execution of Sanctions ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 2/2006, 57/2010);
- Criminal Code of the Republic of North Macedonia ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 37/1996, 80/1999, 4/2002, 43/2003, 19/2004, 81/2005, 60/2006, 73/2006, 7/2008 , 139/2008, 114/2009);
- Rulebook on the form, content and manner of keeping the register of natural and legal persons who have been sanctioned with a ban on performing a profession, activity or duty and a temporary ban on performing a certain activity ("Official Gazette of RM" No. 78/2010)
- Rulebook on the form, content and manner of keeping the register of established claims of creditors in bankruptcy proceedings ("Official Gazette of RM" No. 78/2010);
- Other regulation specified in the data for the individual services of the Central Registry
- Law on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorist activities (Official Gazette of the Republic of N. Macedonia No. 151/2022)